"Maybe there's no such thing as the perfect person for us. No one is fit to make us whole. But do we have to be? All we need is someone not perfect, BUT MAKES PERFECT SENSE TO US.." ♥THE DREAMER.
jOn. 18. Christian. SBCer. St.Scho. DLSU. Paragon. Pink. Green. Paranoid. Obssesive-Compulsive. Choleric-Melancholic. Depression-Prone. Vulnerable Yet Still Standing. Nine. Extro-introvert. Dreamer. Lover. Toffee Nut Latte. Chocolates. Flowers. Vacations. Friends. Laughs. Love. Life. ♥♥♥
Aeda + Ariane + Bea + Ching + Dana + Jeline + Mae + Marian + Normi + Pat + Rach + Rhiza + RhizaLINKS
Snapshots + Friendship + Silverlining + De La Salle University + St. Scholastica's College + Blogskins + Tickle +NOW PLAYING
[ Fonts (c) DF]
Friday, July 14, 2006
while walking, soft raindrops began pouring down my face. alone and in a thankful mode, i began seeing the raindrops as god's way of reminding me of how he showers me blessings every single day. blessings such as having a god-fearing family, supportive friends, studying in a nice university, living each day without worrying on where to get my next meal. blessings like these. and then there are those little blessings. a smile and a hug from your sunday school student, overhearing people saying good things about you, eyecontact from a crush (yes, i consider that a blessing), realizing that your family saved a big pizza slice for you to eat later while you're on a gimmick with friends. so little these blessings are that sometimes we tend to take them for granted, but if you think about it, these are the very things which give us reasons to move on with our lives despite the problems we experience once in a while.
it's like the raindrops were god's way to let me feel him. it's like a father holding his child's face; appreciating what his child has become all the years he has been guiding her.
and the lord makes sure that we get a little bit of everything; he doesn't give big chunks every once in a blue moon, but small, bite-sized pieces everyday. so that we, our children, don't have the reason to complain of not receiving something in a day. ang talino talaga ni lord. :)
haaay. the wonders of god. ang galing.
i reached home with a rain-drenched face, but with a happiness-filled soul.
now i'll never look at rainy days the same way again. :)