JC Officers United.
Aliw. Just last Sunday, we had our Joy Club officers' bible study and I just can't help but take a picture of our feet, because they were all wearing black. :) Starting from the Chucks clockwise, the feet belong to Jovan (president), Marc (PRO), Ivan (PRO), Jeni (Treasurer), Jon (Secretary) and Pat (Vice-Pres). I looove my co-officers. Everybody's willing to work for Joy Club. Yihee, malaki na talaga kami. Hehe. :p
I just finished my part on the needed revisions for our business plan, though I am not completely done yet, because tomorrow will be another day for assigning each person to another part again. As I said on
this album on my Multiply site (oops, you should be my contact to see it), major revisions would be made (Our business plan measuring more or less two inches thick was literally, and brutally murdered by our professor. Haha.). But it's okay, we're still enjoying each other's company and hindi pa naman kami nagsasabunutan. Hehe.
Because this week's going to be really busy for Loophole Inc., I am now having time management problems regarding my residency in the Discipline Office. Gaaah how will I able to complete my 5 hours residency this week? Company meetings for revision would be every MWF from 1030am to 3pm (bahala na kung may lunch in between hehe) starting last Friday (I think) to Monday next week, eating up my 5-hour break during MWF. Eeeh that's the time I do my residency eh. Bahala na si Batman, konti na lang meetings yun, besides the business plan's deadline would be on July 26 na. Oh God help us with our revisions. Haha.
Which reminded me of a text message. This was from a friend, Alvin.
"Bakit 'pag hindi niyo na alam ang gagawin niyo, laging ako na lang ang bahala?"
- Batman
Hehe. Which made me think. Where did that expression come from anyway? If you have the answer, I'd be glad to hear it. Hehe. :)
WHICH made me remember. Art in Advertising Seminars by Ms. Zamora of the Marketing Department is so much fun and interesting! (Graaabe, I have company meetings MWF 1030-3 and A in A Seminars MF 1250-220 GOODLUCK TALAGA SA AKIN. Discipline Office work pa. AND. Don't ask when do I have lunch. I can't answer that. Haha.) I initially thought that this would be "just one of those seminars" that we need to attend to for us not to flunk our Marketing subject. Pero I am surprisingly looking forward to the next sessions that we will have with Ms. Zamora. She's just really superb when presenting all the information. Like
Ching said, she's already mastered her craft. I sooo love her na (pero mas idol ko si Mommy Elvie, haha!) and even though I do not really regret that Ms. Acosta's my prof (because she's really cool and funny too), I wouldn't resist if I'd be given a chance to become Ms. Zamora's prof (except for the fact that she barely gives grades higher than 2.0-2.5. Hehe.) :)
Some of the things I learned so far from Art in Advertising:
~ (This one I learned even before, but I wanna share this to you.) That when you talk to a person or ask him/her a question, when the person looks to his/her right, the person is "remembering the image", but if the person looks to his/her left, the person is "constructing the image". Which implies that most probably, he/she lies. This is a good exercise for you people who have girlfriends of boyfriends, it's time to test this one. Hahaha. :p ~
~ When you talk to someone and he/she usually looks up, the person is a visual person. If he/she looks around within eye level, the person is an auditory person. If he/she usually looks down, the person is a kinesthetic person. These could be applied on the style of learning, the visual person learns more through photos, charts, graphs, etc. The auditory person can learn just from listening to the lecturer, and the kinesthetic person learns more when hands-on experience is given to him/her. :)~
(And these are particulary interesting.)

~ Mightor (if you remember him, I see him on TV before eh) is a tribal character. (Characteristics of the tribal: indigenous, celebration of nature and life) ~

Mighty Thor
~ Mighty Thor is an ancient character. (Characteristics of ancient: manifestation of power; perfected the use of fire and metal.) Sooo that's why he has some kind of metal hammer as a weapon. Haha. ~

Wonder Woman
~ Wonderwoman is a hellenic character. (Characteristics of hellenic: focused on harmony, balance, peace.) Is that the reason why she's a girl? So guys are not harmonic, balanced, and peaceful? Haha. :p ~

~ Yoda is a medieval character. (Characteristic: Talked a lot about God and hell.) Erm, how is it connected to Yoda? Sorry, not a Star Wars fan. :p ~

~ Batman is a gothic character. (Characteristics: Darkness; alienation) Yeah, he's dark. But still cool. :) So that's where Gotham City came from. :) ~

~ Superman is a renaissance character. (Characteristics: realistic; happy; colorful) Opposite of Batman, Superman's really full of color. I love him. :) ~

~ Spiderman is a baroque character. (Characteristic: distortion) One way to see this characteristic is Spiderman's poses on pictures are usually "grotesque". This is according to Ms. Zamora. Ikaw kaya, mag-pose ng ganyan diba?? Hahaha. ~

~ Spawn's a rococo character. (Characteristic: Opulent; full of embellishment) I am not familiar with this character (or I could have forgotten lang), but ang cool he's definitely rococo. :) ~

~ James Bond is a classical character. (Characteristic: Singularity of message) Yeah, James Bond IS James Bond. ~

The Droids
~ The Droids are modern characters. (Characteristic: self-expression) It's really obvious from these characters. And the one who made this clearly expressed him/herself. ~

~ Hulk is a minimalist character. (Characteristic: Repeated message) Since the drawing's minimal, you just get the same impression everytime you look at it. You don't usually get new insights/observations on the character each time you see it.

~ Kato's an ethnic character. (Characteristic: identity; distinguishable) We must not be confused between ethnic and tribal. Ethnic is more specific, you know where the character came from. Pero I don't know how he (the one at the back ata is Kato) became an ethnic character. I don't know him kasi eeeh. Haha. ~
I'm excited for Friday's Art in Advertising. Have to remember to bring a camera, for the notes! :)
# random thougths @
7:21 PM