Sunday, June 17, 2007
To my daddy dearest, this is for you. :)  My daddy is pogi. He never seems to look old, really. :) I owe a lot of things to my dad. From the hatid-sundo when you're just too tired to commute, from the allowance you get from him every week, to just being a great dad to me and my siblings. :) Thanks dad. Thanks for being there for us. You've been a really good dad; and I see it because I know a lot of people who don't have dads, or have dads but their dads treat them harhsly. You're the silent type father, someone who doesn't say much things, but we all feel the love and concern, because your actions show us. Thanks. But I want you to be more outspoken sana when it comes to my (our!) lovelife. Haha. ;) Do I really want that? Ewan ko. Pero I love you just the way you are. Maybe I just want myself to see you telling me "Anak, I'm praying for you and your future life partner.", or "Anak, invest your emotions to someone worth it, I don't want to see you get hurt." Hehe. :) But other than that, I know that you really keep track of what's happening in my life (and of course, Ate Joy and Jason's too). Besides, I don't want you not being a part of my life's highlights. :) Thanks for believing in me. I'll always be your little girl. :)
(From the Internet, recited this poem to dad last Father's Day 2006)
As I ponder the love that I saw in his eyes, A Godly love, given without compromise I recall many times he stood by my side, And prodded me on with great vigor and pride. His voice ever confident, firm and yet fair, Always speaking with patience, tenderness and care. The power and might of his hands was so sure, I knew there was nothing we couldn't endure. It's true, a few others provided insight, Yet he laid the foundation that kept me upright. He's the grandest of men to have lived on this earth, Although he's not royal by stature or birth. He's a man of great dignity, honor and strength His merits are noble and of admirable length. He's far greater than all other men I know He's my dad, he's my mentor, my friend, my hero.
I love you daddy. :)
# random thougths @
12:46 AM